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  • Comments on Profile Post by Rakion

    1. Laura_or_is_it
      Lol... good luck with that..
      Jan 10, 2014
    2. Rakion
      Better atleast try instead of giving up.
      Jan 10, 2014
    3. eco79
      ^ Yeah atleast this will be a better chance of getting a moderater back :D
      Jan 10, 2014
    4. eco79
      But I feel like he's going to reply with something like "You had your chance and you wasted it." Or something like that :(

      (I hope doesn't)
      Jan 10, 2014
    5. Laura_or_is_it
      Mhm, it took me 2 months to get unbanned and another month to be fully promoted ._. And I that was because I said i was going inactive over a player on a different server lol, i wish you all the best though.
      Jan 10, 2014
    6. Rakion
      Probably. That is what i'm afraid about. Even so , i'm prepared to accept facts whether they are good or not.
      Jan 10, 2014
    7. RachetSenpai
      That's the best thing to do Rakion, and I hope in the future that you will once be a mod or even an ADMIN :)
      Jan 10, 2014
    8. eco79
      While I was browsing a certain moderators profile, I found out who sent cypriot the convo. I'm not going to say who, since it is rakion's decision wether or not he wants share, but now that I know I don't what to say....
      Jan 10, 2014
    9. flamingtorch83
      Jan 11, 2014
    10. larrythebird101
      Jan 11, 2014