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  • Comments on Profile Post by Discdog1000

    1. StrKillr
      May 28, 2016
    2. Discdog1000
      Check his recent activity and the number of reports he's done.
      May 28, 2016
    3. StrKillr
      You know mods have a private thread to log their reports... He was one of the most active in that section while I was mod. I appreciate more a mod who works in game than in forum reports.
      May 28, 2016
      Cotner and Discdog1000 like this.
    4. Discdog1000
      Good point.
      May 28, 2016
    5. jalyn
      he doesn't come on as much now. He hasn't been on since Friday.
      May 29, 2016
    6. Rodeen
      Cotner isnt home, he is on vacation.
      May 30, 2016
    7. Cotner
      I'm just gone this weekend. Coming home today actually. Reason being is because school just got out and I needed a little time. All the finals were kind of overwhelming. sorry for the inactivity I'll be active more as of today. Happy summer to all that are on their break:)
      May 30, 2016