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  • Comments on Profile Post by Laura_or_is_it

    1. Laura_or_is_it
      Jan 10, 2014
    2. Dirty_Ninja
      Sad to se you demoted.
      Jan 10, 2014
    3. Rakion
      Don't be Dirty. You and Troy are good Moderators. You can handle it without me even if you had your hands tied behind your back ;D
      Jan 10, 2014
    4. eco79
      You were one of the people who deserved mod and higher. Its a disapointment to see you demoted D:
      Jan 10, 2014
    5. Rakion
      Thanks for the compliment. The image that was sent was a conversation of me and that 'Anonymous' person. It was the week when I first got my staff rank. That was before I realized that people actually needed my help and before I actually took my job seriously
      Jan 10, 2014
    6. eco79
      D: Man, I am a loss at words, I don't mean to insult ANYONE but I think this was one of cypriot's biggest mistake on this server. :/
      Jan 10, 2014
    7. Laura_or_is_it
      Cyp always has reasons.
      Jan 10, 2014
    8. Rakion
      Do not blame Cypriot for anything. I was being biased , he was doing his job right as an Administrator.
      Jan 10, 2014
    9. Camel
      Getting to old for this anyway
      Jan 10, 2014
    10. Smartloser
      Jan 12, 2014
    11. Laura_or_is_it
      Lol... i wish i can like that post^^
      Jan 12, 2014