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  • Comments on Profile Post by Rodeen

    1. Herf
      I really do have a feeling the only reason you posted on Inertia and started talking trash was to try and get a reaction from me. I feel you purposefully tried to harass me just to get a response and to make me look bad. You would never admit it but thats what I think you did. My clan did nothing yet you harassed them because I was the leader.
      May 25, 2016
      GreasyBandage likes this.
    2. Herf
      Its sad. I dont accept your apology, Rodeen. You apologize too much and you never change.
      May 25, 2016
      GreasyBandage likes this.
    3. Rodeen
      Thats a very interesting response, but no that isnt true. I didnt want to "get at you" or "try and put a bad reputation on you" I was just having fun and it got a little to far.
      May 25, 2016
    4. Dann
      All of m@fia is talking trash about your clan cause your members hit about 4 of us off constantly and then say were bad. You're just provoking us here.
      May 25, 2016
    5. Flazer
      Posting."m@fia" in Inertia's clan thread to start a flame war, flaming consistently in the thread. This is not "having fun"
      May 26, 2016
    6. Bantz
      when yoshadow boots people off for a p4 set xdqxdxqdxqdxdxd
      May 28, 2016