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  • Comments on Profile Post by Scorv

    1. Xethorias
      Post farming
      May 25, 2016
    2. Scorv
      Not even a thing, but ok... :/
      May 25, 2016
    3. Xethorias
      Actually it is.
      May 25, 2016
    4. Scorv
      *facepalm* I forgive you
      May 25, 2016
    5. Flazer
      Post farming is indeed a thing.
      May 25, 2016
    6. Scorv
      So if a mod wanted to get their post count higher by doing 3 pages of reports, they would become muted?
      May 26, 2016
    7. Flazer
      Reports aren't post farming
      May 26, 2016
    8. Scorv
      It's increasing their post count drastically, and they are doing it in a short period of time. Lots of people do that with mod apps, do a bunch at a time. I used to be like that. Instead of replying to 3 a day for a month, I just replied to all 90 in 1 day. It was quick and easy. And there is not difference if I have those extra 90 post counts in day 1 or day 30, I would get them regardless.
      May 26, 2016
      Shireen likes this.
    9. Flazer
      It's not my rule, I didn't create it. Spamming posts on the forums is an offense and will be punished there as.
      May 26, 2016
    10. Scorv
      It's not even in the rules, it just something some mod made up. I have never even seen that rule before. And I used to "post farm" a lot, it's not like I just said random jiberish, I would actually post stuff that pertains to the topic. I've even posted more messages then Shireen has in 1 day, didn't get punished because it's not against the rules.
      May 26, 2016
    11. Scorv
      If you and other mods wish it to be a rule, do that. I doubt I would be able to change your minds. It's just another reason as to why I'm glad I left.
      (420 character limit)
      May 26, 2016
    12. Flazer
      Nana & Pile have confirmed on multiple occasions that post farming is against the rules, just not in the designated thread.
      May 26, 2016