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  • Comments on Profile Post by Joh

    1. Dyna_Mighty
      That would be me. Twitch advertising is normally fine, but the name of your twitch channel is not ok because of the language within the name. We ask that you not post it again unless the name is different because we do not allow that kind of language here on any part of our server.
      May 22, 2016
    2. Joh
      So you are disciminating me because of my tiwtch name
      May 22, 2016
    3. Dyna_Mighty
      No, Im making sure you follow the rules of no foul language on any part of this server, forums or in-game.
      May 22, 2016
    4. Joh
      My twitch name has no foul language so you are discriminating me
      May 22, 2016
    5. Dyna_Mighty
      We aren't going to argue over it. The foul language is there, may not be spelled exactly like it should be, but its there. Making it not allowed here on our server. If it is posted again, we will take action against you because you have been warned about it before.
      May 22, 2016
    6. Joh
      Wow delete my comment on my status mature
      May 22, 2016