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  • Comments on Profile Post by JazzMagic

    1. Titanicguy
      Atleast you didn't make a mod hate thread,like the others do.
      May 21, 2016
    2. sircorgi
      Somebody, he did hate on @Jhow on his own resignation thread, does that count in some way?
      Jul 4, 2016
    3. JazzMagic
      I don't make a "hate" thread without a reason, mods being biased really pisses me off and I wanted to point that out. I did use a tone that was very negative, but honestly, I don't think I could have made my reply any nicer than I did.
      Jul 4, 2016
    4. Delusionous
      I looked at what you posted and it's kinda stupid, you think you're the only player, I'm sure he was getting spammed by kids who can't pvp calling hacks. Why don't you put yourself in the mods shoes before you start complaining that Jhow is Bias.
      Jul 4, 2016
    5. sircorgi
      @JazzMagic I never said it was without reason.

      (I don't need to explain much when @Delusionous has explained it perfectly already ;p )
      Jul 5, 2016
    6. JazzMagic
      (1/4) For one, I do realize that there are other players, but that isn't the issue here, the issue is that he did tp to us in the middle of the fight and healed me, instead of at the end as he claims. If did tp at the end like he tried telling me then I wouldn't be mad, but he did tp to me in the middle of the fight.
      Jul 5, 2016
    7. JazzMagic
      (2/4) Also when he tp'd to me, the hacker was obviously hacking by doing things like gapple hitting me, which is the most obvious sign of kill aura. Also the fact that the hacker was also a donator tells me that Jhow was bias in this case.
      Jul 5, 2016
    8. JazzMagic
      (3/4) I don't have much proof as I said in the thread but if I did, Jhow would have got in trouble or even demoted. When I say bias I mean that he should have banned Felycia when she was obviously hacking. If he had tp'd to me at the end of the fight like he claims, I would be a little mad, but I wouldn't call him out for it, because I am not the only player on the server.
      Jul 5, 2016
    9. JazzMagic
      (4/4) And I am also a mod on a different server, so I know how it feels to be a mod, but since Jhow tp'd in the middle of the fight and didn't ban and lied to me after about tping is a clear indication that Jhow was indeed bias in that situation. @Delusionous
      Jul 5, 2016
    10. sircorgi
      I see an issue here. Do you honestly expect Jhow, to instantly ban the hacker when he sees the kill aura? No, he needs to record first hand, then check the evidence, and the hacker at present. He then evaluates the evidence he has, checking if it's ban worthy. He then will decide if he should ban the hacker or not, depending on the evidence.
      Jul 5, 2016
    11. sircorgi
      If he sees no hacks in the video, but he does in the fight, he will record again, and check again if it's enough evidence. If it is, then he will ban the player, upload the video to Youtube or Vimeo, then log it in his ban log.

      This matter tells me you have no knowledge when it comes to moderating and banning players.
      Jul 5, 2016
    12. Delusionous
      Ok that's your side of the story. 1. you don't know for sure Jhow healed you so you can't really use that against him. In the thread you said you asked the other titans and they denied it, so why is it different when Jhow deny's it?
      Jul 5, 2016
    13. Delusionous
      Jhow would also need to turn his recording software on which when he looks goes back to the game the fight might have already finished. I looked at Jhow's Youtube channel and there is many ranked players that he has recorded so I don't believe he was being bias. You don't know what really happen you only assume.
      Jul 5, 2016
    14. JazzMagic
      I know mods need proof, I've been here 3 years believe or not. The thing is, he lied about tping to me in the middle of the fight. He claims he tp'd when I died, but when I saw him, I was alive for another 5 minutes after he tp'd. The thing is he said he didn't tp until AFTER the fight, which was not the case, and I know what I saw.
      Jul 5, 2016
    15. sircorgi
      Jazz how can one tp'ing to you be bias in any way though?

      And how do we know you're not lying as well? Where is your evidence to throw these accusations around?
      Jul 5, 2016
    16. JazzMagic
      I don't have evidence, if I opened my recording software in the middle of the fight, I would have died, I don't go around recording because my frames drop. And it's the fact he LIED to me, he tp'd to me in the MIDDLE of the fight, NOT the END. I'm not lying, but believe what you want. I can't do anything to Jhow now, but I'm exposing the truth of what happen.
      Jul 5, 2016
    17. sircorgi
      You're not exposing anything, if you don't have proof. Right now, these are just tales and accusations without anything to back it up besides yourself.
      Jul 5, 2016
    18. Delusionous
      [21:01:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [me -> [Mod] JhowTheSloth] Felycia1998 has arua
      [21:02:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [[Mod] JhowTheSloth -> me] ok thanks I'll take a look :p
      [21:02:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [me -> [Mod] JhowTheSloth] NOW
      [21:02:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [me -> [Mod] JhowTheSloth] i'm 1v1ibn g
      Jul 5, 2016
    19. Delusionous
      [21:02:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [me -> [Mod] JhowTheSloth] her
      [21:02:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [me -> [Mod] JhowTheSloth] I died
      [21:02:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [me -> [Mod] JhowTheSloth] thanks
      [21:02:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [me -> [Mod] JhowTheSloth] You let me get killed by a hacker
      Jul 5, 2016
    20. Delusionous
      You said 5 minutes it had only been 1 since he replied to you.
      Jul 5, 2016
    21. sircorgi
      Jul 5, 2016
    22. Delusionous
      1 minute between when he replied to you and when you complained you died
      Jul 5, 2016
    23. Delusionous
      Wait no, only 20 seconds between when he replied to you and when you complained
      Jul 5, 2016
    24. JazzMagic
      It was awhile ago, I just pulled the logs without looking at the time frames. But I saw him tp to me, that's what I saw. I don't care if the server hates me for going after a beloved mod, but again I know what I saw and maybe it was an accident. I don't know, but I'm done arguing, I know what I saw.
      Jul 5, 2016
    25. JazzMagic
      I'm not going to argue anymore, I can't convince anyone. So lets end it here.
      Jul 5, 2016
    26. Delusionous
      We are trying to convince you that it may have not been what you thought it was. there was 20 seconds between the he replied and when you complained you died. so add that up, 2 seconds to type /tp player 5 seconds to teleport, 2 seconds to turn recording software on. you die, then start complaining which is another 5. that's just a rough guess I hope you understand.
      Jul 5, 2016
    27. Titanicguy
      Why was this brung up?It's been a month FFS
      Jul 5, 2016
    28. sircorgi
      Somebody it isn't about the ban, the topic changed in the conversation.
      Jul 6, 2016