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  • Comments on Profile Post by Chain

    1. Alisha Jade
      Alisha Jade
      Ur welcome ;)
      May 15, 2016
    2. Jocelyyn
      OMG So she's the on that gave you the bow ?!?!?!? OH NOOO
      Btw this is Jocelyyn
      May 17, 2016
    3. Chain
      Yeah but with voting money I'm going to make another in a few days, until then I'll just save up my kits :')
      May 17, 2016
    4. Jocelyyn
      I'll cry if you hit me with that bow... :'(
      May 17, 2016
    5. Chain
      Okay. I have an even better strategy now where I hang out on a roof above the popular hangout area and shoot people below. They all epearl up and I just knock them down again xD
      May 17, 2016
    6. Jocelyyn
      Omg you troll!! You're gonna get jumped xD
      May 17, 2016
    7. Chain
      I died whilst changing my set. No worries though I obtained 500$ so I can make more stuff.
      May 18, 2016
      Jocelyyn likes this.