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  • Comments on Profile Post by Kieran Redman

    1. Kieran Redman
      Kieran Redman
      but i dont think people will support ,
      could u tagg ur friends and give me confidence? thx :)
      May 13, 2016
    2. Chain
      Just apply and see how it goes.
      May 13, 2016
      Kieran Redman likes this.
    3. Random
      Honestly it depends on your application and you behavior in game. As I have not seen you I do not have an opinion, but your application is a major part in this. I think you should just try and see how it goes.
      May 13, 2016
      Kieran Redman likes this.
    4. Levis
      Members can support or no-support how much they want, but they doesn't make that much sense (they kinda do), but it's Cypriot's choice.
      May 13, 2016