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  • Comments on Profile Post by Clawifier

    1. Clawifier
      “The nineteenth is the century of the rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte, in a long series of bloody and demoralizing European wars ; the dismemberment of the Turkish Empire by the Greek Revolution, and of the Spanish Empire by that of Mexico and South America; the repeated revolutions in France; the War of 1813 between England and the United States; the War between the United States and Mexico;
      May 12, 2016
    2. Clawifier
      “The nineteenth is the century of the rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte, in a long series of bloody and demoralizing European wars ; the dismemberment of the Turkish Empire by the Greek Revolution, and of the Spanish Empire by that of Mexico and South America; the repeated revolutions in France; the War of 1813 between England and the United States; the War between the United States and Mexico;
      May 12, 2016
    3. Clawifier
      lmao the constitution is amazing.
      May 12, 2016
    4. Herf
      You know Bush did 9/11
      May 12, 2016
      Clawifier likes this.