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  • Comments on Profile Post by sircorgi

    1. Miyukii
      hope he feel better soon
      May 13, 2016
      sircorgi likes this.
    2. sircorgi
      Right now he is lying down next to me taking a nap, like always.

      He's so much better than before :)
      May 13, 2016
    3. Miyukii
      aw, very good

      how long have you had him now?
      May 14, 2016
    4. sircorgi
      More than a week, so I'm not surprised the poor thing caught the illness from another dog over there at the shelter.
      May 14, 2016
    5. Queen
      Same thing happened to my dog. She is fine. I'm sure he will get better in no time, my dog did in a little bit less than a week with antibiotics.
      May 14, 2016