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  • Comments on Profile Post by Jenn

    1. baile y
      baile y
      YAS! Support <3
      May 9, 2016
    2. Jenn
      Thank you so much Bailey! :) <3
      May 9, 2016
    3. baile y
      baile y
      <3 You'll get it!
      May 9, 2016
    4. Jenn
      Eh. We'll see in the next promotion. :)
      May 9, 2016
      breakfastboy, BrokenSoapx and baile y like this.
    5. BrokenSoapx
      Jen, you'll get it. I was just a finger away from getting mod on Skyblock, until I started b****ing at people. If I can do it, you can do three times better
      May 11, 2016