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  • Comments on Profile Post by Rodeen

    1. Andrewswj
      I know it lol xD
      May 7, 2016
    2. Andrewswj
      I knew it, and I guessed I was banned for that, but when I came online, I clicked the link by the Moderator and it sent me to my profile so I wasn't exactly sure. So I just wanted to clarify :P xD
      May 7, 2016
    3. Rodeen
      Oh lol, welcome back! Hope you learned from ur mistake! xD
      May 7, 2016
      Andrewswj likes this.
    4. Andrewswj
      (I wish there was friendly rating on profile posts) xD
      Thanks! Yup I sure did :P Fast, too!
      May 7, 2016
    5. Rodeen
      Anyways, welcome back! We havent fully met, I'm Rodeen :)
      May 7, 2016
      Andrewswj likes this.
    6. Andrewswj
      Andrew xD Shall we take this to convo?
      May 7, 2016
    7. Rodeen
      Yup xD
      May 7, 2016