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  • Comments on Profile Post by sircorgi

    1. amli
      *Rates agree*
      May 5, 2016
    2. ImJustAndrew
      I'm going to be changing it back to iReplying or Inefable next month. I thought I'd like this name but I hate it. I want to find a name I'll be stuck with forever and known for on :)
      May 5, 2016
      amli likes this.
    3. amli
      I know how you feel, my new name even though I just added one letter just doesn't feel right. I'm probably changing my name to just Auzziii or something like that
      May 5, 2016
    4. ImJustAndrew
      May 5, 2016
    5. sircorgi
      It is unlikely that I will change my name tbh. I've grown attached to this name and everybody knows me as "Reborn" or "Wolf" so I think it's for the best that I keep my name as is.
      May 6, 2016