May I please have a detailed description on what this syndrome is about? I didn't learn about this in Pre-K, are you somewhat related to Einstein?
However, happy Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Awareness not-Month to you, too. I sadly missed this celebration, would you care to teach me what the heck it is about?
Aha, no I'm not XD It was named by Mr Ehlers and Mr Danlos who discovered it ;)
EDS is a genetic condition causing collagen, which is like the body's glue, to not form properly. It results in many different symptoms and effects a lot of the body due to collagen being all over the body. The most common symptoms are being overly flexible, spraining, sublaxing, dislocating and stretchy skin.
There are different types of EDS, however, one of which is considered deadly as it effects hollow organs. Also, the severity of it differs from person-to-person, for example I only have it minorly and only often sublax and sprain my joints.
That's just a brief over-view of it, and I hope it has helped you to understand more about this 'rare' condition which is actually relatively common, yet rarely diagnosed.
That was very informative, thank you. I honestly don't think it'd be the worst thing in the world to be more flexible, although this was very random. Thank you
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