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  • Comments on Profile Post by Diggy

    1. ParanormalPizza
      she is very very friendly
      Apr 30, 2016
    2. Diggy
      Be friendly to me <(;-;)>
      Apr 30, 2016
    3. AngryGinger
      Hi sweetheart! It's very good to meet you. And hi Pizza! Good to see you.
      May 1, 2016
    4. ParanormalPizza
      May 1, 2016
    5. BrokenSoapx
      tell Ginger to say the same words on teamspeak. "Hhhiiii sweetie *lovey dove gestures*" i love her accent
      May 1, 2016
    6. AngryGinger
      listen here don't you make fun of me soap. xD
      May 1, 2016
    7. BrokenSoapx
      Never did, luv <3 I said I love your accent, minus the fact that it may hurt my ear when Juan enters the channel xD <3
      May 1, 2016
      AngryGinger likes this.