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  • Comments on Profile Post by Andrewswj

    1. xdasdfsdfs
      that's me with my English homework
      Apr 29, 2016
      Andrewswj likes this.
    2. Wolfie
      :D How many pages of homework did you get?
      Apr 29, 2016
    3. Andrewswj
      *Sorry late response* Hmm... Over the weekend I had... Biology, Math, Chinese, Geography, History, Philosophy.
      Bio - 1 exam paper,
      Math - 2 worksheets,
      Chinese - 1 open ended comprehension,
      Geog - Powerpoint slides,
      History - Reading textbook <3 That's my easiest homework and Philosophy - Discussion question preparation, etc.
      May 4, 2016
    4. Wolfie
      woah, that's alot ;-;
      May 4, 2016
    5. Andrewswj
      Yeah, I hope I don't get the same amount this week, as I have 2 exams tomorrow and 1 exam next week (haven't revised! Lol) and 1 exam the week after next (haven't revised! Yay im screwed)
      May 4, 2016