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  • Comments on Profile Post by flamingtorch83

    1. ZaMpAgE
      Oh i got it from novaskin.me :) and the click backgrounds. tell me if you got anymore questions :)
      Jan 5, 2014
    2. flamingtorch83
      I have two
      1. What is your minecraft username
      2. Could you do it on a iPhone?
      Jan 5, 2014
    3. ZaMpAgE
      1. I am sooperaya (no caps)

      2. I don't think you can do it on a phone and you have to do it on a computer. Well, you can but I don't recommend that you should do it on a phone because it sometimes lags so you should do it on a computer :)
      Jan 5, 2014
    4. flamingtorch83
      Thx I am making it right now but I cant find the tools button
      Jan 5, 2014
    5. ZaMpAgE
      Np anytime :)
      Jan 5, 2014
    6. flamingtorch83
      Well I did this profile pic on my phone but I was wondering HOW you got the picture from your computer to be a square!
      Jan 5, 2014
    7. flamingtorch83
      Cause if I knew that website backrounds I would love if you could teach me
      Jan 5, 2014
    8. flamingtorch83
      Nvm I found it but Anyways thx for your help :)
      Jan 5, 2014
    9. flamingtorch83
      Howdid you crop it so that it fits mineverse?
      Jan 5, 2014
    10. flamingtorch83
      i got it :)
      Jan 5, 2014
    11. ZaMpAgE
      Jan 5, 2014
    12. flamingtorch83
      Ok if I ty to get one like yours the wallpaper wont load causing me to not be able to get another picture plz help!
      Jan 5, 2014
    13. ZaMpAgE
      Are you doing it on your phone or your computer?
      Jan 5, 2014
    14. flamingtorch83
      I am doing it on my computer
      Jan 5, 2014
    15. ZaMpAgE
      Just click the line around it the line that looks like it's going to crop it, then save it to your files, then put in on your profile pic. Maybe I'll just copy the link for you :)
      Jan 6, 2014
    16. eco79
      This is the longest profile post I've ever seen o_O xD
      Jan 10, 2014
    17. ZaMpAgE
      lol :D
      Jan 11, 2014