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  • Comments on Profile Post by Kyaaaal

    1. AngryGinger
      hi baby
      Apr 28, 2016
    2. Kyaaaal
      Hey babes, how are you doing?
      Apr 28, 2016
    3. AngryGinger
      I'm lovely, thank you for asking. And you?
      Apr 28, 2016
    4. Kyaaaal
      Just working on some issues of untrustworthy people giving out my Skype, besides form that doing really good. Last day of school is tomorrow, well deserved break needed. (I have exams during this "break")
      Apr 28, 2016
    5. AngryGinger
      Oh, I had the same issue, really. I hate untrustworthy individuals. I'm sorry to hear. I have hope that you'll do very well on your exams. c:
      Apr 28, 2016
    6. Kyaaaal
      It's the one thing that annoys me, people leaking my Skype. Thank you for the boost of confidence, I will be trying harder this year with exams.
      Apr 28, 2016
      AngryGinger likes this.