wut o.O
u steal a kitten i stole u dad he is getting fed to the wolves naughty rachet
oh that kitten i mean what.
fess up and give the kitten before anything else goes wrong
No I don't want to, I mean, I have no idea what you're talking about.
u need to pay now give me the kitten
How many times do I have to tell you I have- I don't have the kitten.
Who else has it
Please help find him or never see ur dad again
Okay okay, I have him, I'm sorry, just please let my dad go...
kitten first
Kk *Hands over kitten*
*gently grabs the kitten* here is ur dad
Thank you.
Let's truce shall we?
ok the deal is u get to keep wizardo IF....
U dont do anything against me or try to overtake me this is including ur friends
...Okay, deal. <3
here is wizardo
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