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  • Comments on Profile Post by mattenphew

    1. Kyaaaal
      Examinations are closing in.
      Apr 23, 2016
    2. mattenphew
      Oh dear
      Apr 23, 2016
    3. mattenphew
      Good luck!
      Apr 23, 2016
    4. Kyaaaal
      Thank you :)
      Apr 23, 2016
    5. Chain
      Kyle just do what I did, leave your application open so everyone can show their opinions and leave a note to say you can't accept the position until a certain date.
      Apr 23, 2016
    6. Kyaaaal
      I'll leave it closed for now I think. It's better that way.I'll re-open it on the 20th of May, which is when my last exam is. Gives me 1 less thing to think about too, I guess. I struggle enough with studying.
      Apr 23, 2016