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  • Comments on Profile Post by 1991

    1. babyboynitro
      *Rates winner*
      Apr 21, 2016
    2. canucksfan44
      Because forums are more accessible
      Apr 21, 2016
    3. 1991
      And supposedly forums are the main priority for mods canucks?
      Apr 21, 2016
      babyboynitro likes this.
    4. canucksfan44
      Meh kind of. If you are somewhere with only your phone you can't come on and record hackers... but you can check forums..
      Apr 21, 2016
    5. Chain
      We have under 24 moderators including head moderators. I'd expect each moderator to be online in game at least once a day for 30-60 minutes at least. We do not have enough moderators to have one on every hour, so stop complaining about them and complain to @CypriotMerks and @Noobcrew .
      Apr 22, 2016
    6. Bantz
      half the time 0 staff is on xd
      Jul 20, 2016