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  • Comments on Profile Post by SeanDF

    1. soldier2000
      I remember Waffle House in Tennessee like 6-7 years ago. #IMissCountryLife ;-;
      Jul 4, 2014
    2. SeanDF
      I ate in Atlanta.
      Jul 4, 2014
    3. soldier2000
      I know that though.. I was saying "I ate at the waffle house in Tennessee" :P
      Jul 4, 2014
    4. SeanDF
      Oh. What was it like in Tennessee?
      Jul 4, 2014
    5. soldier2000
      It was amazing.. So many damn AMAZING memories ;-; If you have seen the movie "Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The lightning thief" I was at that same museum shot in the movie when they went to Tennessee. Plus Tennessee is my favorite state in the United States. Perfect Temperature. Great Step Family. And more. #IMissCountryLife ;( I'd trade anything to get that feeling again. ;-;
      Jul 4, 2014