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  • Comments on Profile Post by Titanicguy

    1. Post Malone
      Post Malone
      too soon
      Apr 13, 2016
      Jhow likes this.
    2. Jen
      LOL holy people actually lost their lives that's not funny why am I laughing :(
      Apr 15, 2016
    3. Titanicguy
      This was in reference to Jhows sink...What?
      Apr 15, 2016
    4. Jen
      oh soz ;-; QLD (A state in Australia) had massive floods like 3-4 yrs ago and many people died. I thought you were referring to that. Sorry.
      Apr 15, 2016
    5. Titanicguy
      It's good,sorry for the confusion.
      Apr 15, 2016