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  • Comments on Profile Post by Fweft

    1. Jenn
      and nike is life too :(
      Apr 12, 2016
    2. Fweft
      Nike is better than adidas lol
      Apr 12, 2016
    3. Jenn
      Apr 12, 2016
    4. Shireen
      I am actually so offended, Adidas do the best clothing such as joggers, sweaters, shirts and skorts. @hurtbyart
      Apr 12, 2016
    5. Fweft
      lol im a nike fanboy i have like 8 jordans, 4 kds, 3 lebrons, and 2 foams. I have a crap ton of nike swag so eww adidas
      Apr 12, 2016
    6. Jenn
      I love adidas too. But not as much love like nike ;) and wha'ts skorts?
      Apr 12, 2016
    7. Fweft
      skirt shorts i think
      adidas is ok
      Apr 12, 2016
    8. Shireen
      Okay calm I didn't say adidas shoes were good, I have 3 pairs of huaraches, 4 pairs of jordans, a pair of roshes and superstarsss
      Apr 12, 2016
    9. Olivxr
      Why do you need 3 or 4 of the same kind? That's a waste ._.
      Apr 12, 2016
    10. Fweft
      Not the same lol it's a different model. Kids these days...
      Apr 12, 2016
    11. Olivxr
      I don't care about color difference.
      Apr 12, 2016
    12. Fweft
      Like model not just color
      Apr 12, 2016
    13. Olivxr
      I don't care, owning more than 3 pairs of shoes at once is a waste for me. Maybe you're of a different opinion, that's perfectly fine.
      Apr 12, 2016
    14. Fweft
      Lol ok
      Apr 12, 2016
    15. Shireen
      Different colours Olivier
      Apr 12, 2016
    16. Chain
      Right, spend your money on a different colour pair of shoes instead of donating money to charity that could either really help/make them happy or perhaps save their life. I'm with Oliver, a pair of shoes for sports, one for school and one for casual things and that's it. Why else would you need them? To look "cool"? Because that's pathetic if you play that game.
      Apr 13, 2016
    17. Shireen
      @Sepsis I actually don't understand why you stalk my profile and disagree with everything I write, so please just stop, My parents give a lot of money to charity so I don't need you telling me that I don't give.
      Apr 13, 2016
    18. Shireen
      @Sepsis I also play sports with my shoes.
      Apr 13, 2016
    19. Chain
      I don't know why you've begun targeting me, I do not stalk your profile. I do not disagree with everything you write and I never said you or your parents do not give to charity, I'm just saying it's a waste of money buying the same pair of shoes in a different colour and it could be spent on something a lot better.
      Apr 13, 2016
    20. Shireen
      I'm just saying its the latest one I have, I only use them for nightouts.
      Apr 13, 2016