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  • Comments on Profile Post by TeamTyler

    1. Exasperaties
      Globally banned in game basically, hard deleted from MV forums.
      Apr 7, 2016
    2. TeamTyler
      Thought she and Cyp were friends?
      And I thought she was coming her instead of Skyblock?
      Apr 7, 2016
    3. Exasperaties
      Stuff happened, shes now banned off mv lobbies, and net, hard deleted on mv forums... For reasons. And she returned to slyblock until an event happened, then she was banned, deleted, she dropped everyone and everything and left .-.
      Apr 7, 2016
    4. TeamTyler
      sad :<
      Apr 8, 2016
    5. Exasperaties
      Yes it is, but at the same time no one else is responsible for her actions but herself... I guess only time will tell if she comes back, which I hope she does.
      Apr 8, 2016
    6. Titanicguy
      What did she do?
      Apr 10, 2016
    7. Exasperaties
      Stuff that is not going to be repeated publicly.
      Apr 10, 2016