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  • Comments on Profile Post by babyboynitro

    1. Titanicguy
      Since when could mods ban people based off their IP?
      Apr 7, 2016
    2. Flazer
      ^ ban evasion
      Apr 7, 2016
      Titanicguy likes this.
    3. babyboynitro
      Still, Shireen is not badman, everyone knows that. They are cousins. Okay, lets say that I got banned for hacking. Now, my sister comes on and wants to play. They check IP's, and ban her for "ban evading" when she is my sister and I have proved that? Because we "1v1" or on at the same time talking/moving?
      Apr 7, 2016
    4. Titanicguy
      But couldn't it be possible for Shireen to use her cousin's account to ban evade?I've seen several people do it.
      Apr 7, 2016
    5. babyboynitro
      No, she can't. And if she did, there is no solid proof that it would be her.
      Apr 7, 2016
    6. Flazer
      She's staying banned
      Apr 7, 2016