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  • Comments on Profile Post by Shireen

    1. Torch
      I'm not a lad :( But thanks!
      Apr 6, 2016
      Shireen likes this.
    2. Shireen
      ..Your a girl!?
      Apr 6, 2016
    3. Torch
      Lad in Australia is a term used to generalize a group of people. Here is Urdan Dictionarys Def of them lol "Lad: An australian youth subculture centred around individuals who hang out in gangs, engage in petty theft, pick fights, vandalise property and use foul language which generally involves a great deal of pig latin."
      Apr 6, 2016
    4. Shireen
      Oops sorry :( A lad is a good thing in Britain, I do apologise :(
      Apr 7, 2016
    5. Torch
      Haha all good :)
      Apr 7, 2016
      Shireen likes this.