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  • Comments on Profile Post by Torch

    1. babyboynitro
      No. The only reason I unfollowed you is because you were trash talking me the second you resigned. Like seriously? What I do not understand is why you put "Mature" in your mod app? Then saying that you hated when I report on 10 fps? Immature kid.
      Apr 5, 2016
    2. Torch
      It's a prank bro
      Apr 5, 2016
    3. Teeeb
      Torch this ligerally seems like you sugar coated everything you ever said or did here because you're a completely different and rude person.
      Apr 5, 2016
      LlamaHoe and babyboynitro like this.
    4. babyboynitro
      Yup ^
      Apr 5, 2016
    5. Torch
      Wow, really indepth. Whens the movie coming out?
      Apr 5, 2016
    6. babyboynitro
      I will be the more mature person and ignore you.
      Apr 5, 2016
    7. Teeeb
      Torch is on meth
      Apr 5, 2016
    8. Torch
      I've been standing still the whole time, you can at me Nitro lol and Valixta how did you know D:
      Apr 5, 2016
    9. Valor
      I lost 15. Welcome to my world.
      Apr 6, 2016
      Torch likes this.