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  • Comments on Profile Post by Joe the Hoe

    1. PiLe
      There is indeed a glitch and no, there is nothing I can do to help you unfortunately. :/
      Apr 4, 2016
    2. Teddy
      What if you changed your creative plugin to PlotSquared? Apparently it's far superior compared to the current one on Mineverse rn... It will automatically change the plot's ownership when you change your name, just a suggestion! :)
      Apr 4, 2016
      PiLe likes this.
    3. Joe the Hoe
      Joe the Hoe
      Oh, that's a bummer. Well, thanks anyway
      Apr 4, 2016
    4. PiLe
      PlotSquared is outstanding.
      Apr 4, 2016
      Teddy likes this.