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  • Comments on Profile Post by Scorv

    1. Winnfield
      Aha xD
      Cheap, and that thing looks like a monster of a tiny vehicle xD
      Apr 3, 2016
      Scorv likes this.
    2. Scorv
      Well it's the end of the season, and rich people have no use for them in spring and summer, so they sell them and get new ones in the fall. :P
      Apr 3, 2016
      Winnfield likes this.
    3. Winnfield
      Aha xD
      So what happens when there is no snow? You going to rattle that a long to work xD
      Apr 3, 2016
    4. Scorv
      Na, I just store it for next winter. Although, people do use snowmobiles to go across water, but I'm not even going to think about taking that risk.
      Apr 3, 2016
      Winnfield likes this.
    5. Winnfield
      Lol xD
      Best idea, isn't it! Let's try this super heavy vehicle, into the water...
      Apr 3, 2016
    6. Scorv
    7. Winnfield
      Oh yeah... Thats what they're made for xD
      Give it a go, see what happens :D
      Apr 3, 2016
    8. Scorv
      I'd rather not watch $250 sink to the bottom of a lake
      Apr 3, 2016
      Winnfield likes this.
    9. Titanicguy
      An F-15 has a better power-weight ratio and is more worth the money than this.
      Apr 3, 2016