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  • Comments on Profile Post by magicturtle16

    1. magicturtle16
      I was logged out. when i came back, all of my friends and members on archerpvp told me that I was on when i really wasnt. I had no other choice but to delete my account with Mojang as the "hacker" most likely could have found out my information. I contacted Mojang that same day, however, I have not yet received any info............
      Apr 3, 2016
    2. magicturtle16
      Back in February, i was threatened to be hacked by craftingmaster14. After i went to mods, they told me that i would be alright, however, as everyone can see: Im accountless. Cyp, i have contacted many mods on what to do, yet none of them say anything good, let alone responding back.
      Apr 3, 2016
    3. magicturtle16
      When i first joined MV in 2012, the server was very small and as a result, all the mods knew one another. After my account being hacked, it has been made aware to me that another account in archerpvp got "hacked" (PaulP.P's account (titan)), but still the mods do not treat this as a legitimate issue when it most certainly IS.
      Apr 3, 2016
    4. magicturtle16
      Cyp, this hacking might have been prevented with an Mv investigation after I brought up an issue. However, Paul and I lost IRL money due to our ranks on this server. PaulP.P got his account back, however, I am accountless. Cyp, can you help me think of ways to get another account and stop this hyjacking of accounts, primarily in archerpvp.
      Apr 3, 2016
    5. magicturtle16
      Best Regards,

      IDK what to call myself as I have no account :(
      Apr 3, 2016
    6. ferras
      Apr 3, 2016
    7. sircorgi
      Apr 3, 2016
    8. magicturtle16
      ok thank you Reborn and OfficiallyUnknown. I didn't know you could tag people.
      Apr 4, 2016
    9. sircorgi
      Yeah, it's really helpful. You could also try make a conversation with them by going up to your Inbox, scroll down to "Make a conversation" and on the top box, just add those peoples names.
      Apr 4, 2016
    10. magicturtle16
      LOL nobody even responded to me. I guess they don't care. :(
      Apr 10, 2016
    11. sircorgi
      It takes time, just be patient
      Apr 10, 2016