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  • Comments on Profile Post by magicturtle16

    1. ParanormalPizza
      If it has been hacked, we can lobby ban it until you regain access if you want. I also suggest you change your forums password.
      Apr 3, 2016
    2. magicturtle16
      Paranormal pizza, my account (FriedZucchini16) is perm deleted in order to prevent the hacker from obtaining my personal info. I wish I can play MV, but I legit don't have an account to play on :/
      Apr 3, 2016
    3. magicturtle16
      I changed my password first, then I got hacked again probs by the same person. so just like Paul P.P, I deleted the account. Most likely the same person hacked ours as we played (not anymore bc we have no account xD) archerpvp the most and were on it at the same time.
      Apr 3, 2016
    4. Benko
      Who'd you give your details to?
      Apr 3, 2016
    5. magicturtle16
      Nobody......................... That's the problem b3n. Someone legit just took over Paul P.P (who is titan) and me (a sponsor) with no info given.
      Apr 3, 2016
    6. magicturtle16
      I don't give any details to anyone. in feb some guy threatened to hack me. I guess he finally did it
      Apr 3, 2016
    7. Benko
      You clicked any links?
      Apr 3, 2016
    8. magicturtle16
      nope........ we believe its underratxd. she said she has "software" that can exploit ip address or something. tbh I have no f------ idea on how somebody does it. there is one person on archerpvp that takes over accounts like all the time. PaulP.P got hacked before me, and the hacker threatened the hack me. As a result, I changed my name from Magicturtle16 to FriedZucchini16.
      Apr 3, 2016
    9. magicturtle16
      When the hacker found out who I was. he followed me in all servers and then when I came back, I lost it all. He/she most likely has some type of ip address exploiting program in which they don't even need a password. my password was legit like 300 letters and numbers long bc of the hacker. It didn't protect me.
      Apr 3, 2016
    10. magicturtle16
      the hackers ign is craftingmaster14. but I think its Underratxd's alt
      Apr 3, 2016
    11. magicturtle16
      you can ask PaulP.P for more information. He will most likely say the same thing as me.
      Apr 3, 2016
    12. Benko
      You probably clicked something
      Apr 3, 2016