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  • Comments on Profile Post by | Unbreak1 |

    1. Linux
      If you can get a tank, you could make a minecraft server, get PermissionsEX, start up a big server, and make yourself mod. :O
      Apr 2, 2016
    2. | Unbreak1 |
      | Unbreak1 |
      @Billy_Wolf I'd rather just give him one, and get mod here.. :D If there's something I can't buy, it is players.
      Apr 2, 2016
    3. Titanicguy
      You know,I'd rather make a server with a 6-8 million dollar tank than give that away.
      Just me I guess.
      Apr 2, 2016
    4. sircorgi
      I found this funny ;p
      Apr 2, 2016
    5. | Unbreak1 |
      | Unbreak1 |
      Think like this, I donated a tank to cypriot, the money he can use to provide for the server, and maybe get some little for himself, and If I can afford a tank. To give away.
      Well, then I think I can afford some other stuff too. .:D Still..

      Trade = Tank vs. Mod.

      Apr 2, 2016
    6. sircorgi
      I don't think he would promote you though, he would think that he's going to die when he sees a tank in front of his house
      Apr 2, 2016
    7. | Unbreak1 |
      | Unbreak1 |
      Ahh! You know we live in a digital world, I'll just text him, you get me?
      Apr 2, 2016
    8. sircorgi
      No I don't, he still would think that his house would blow up
      Apr 2, 2016
    9. | Unbreak1 |
      | Unbreak1 |
      I'll call him first? Usually works for me when people put a tank outside my house.
      Apr 2, 2016
    10. sircorgi
      The police would come first though
      Apr 2, 2016
    11. | Unbreak1 |
      | Unbreak1 |
      Yea, don't worry about that. I got it all covered. Me and my buddy cypriot is going through the process right now.
      Apr 2, 2016
    12. | Unbreak1 |
      | Unbreak1 |
      Or, should I worry? You gone' snitch? Snitches get stitcher.
      Apr 2, 2016
    13. sircorgi
      No but the wolf police is coming to dismantle the tank ;)
      Apr 2, 2016
    14. Titanicguy
      If you're referring to the M1A2...
      GL m8ty.
      Apr 2, 2016
    15. sircorgi
      They dismantled it by using the power of wolves
      Apr 2, 2016
    16. Linux
      *whispers* We don't have that, though, Reborn.
      Apr 2, 2016
    17. sircorgi
      *whispers* Yes we do, BILLY. We always did BILLY, we always will. You know what, who cares, BILLY. I give up, this is just *cough* oh sorry, there was a frog in my mouth, BILLY

      Apr 3, 2016
    18. | Unbreak1 |
      | Unbreak1 |
      Cypriot accepted the offer.. Reborn, banned for *cough*hacking*cough... lol.. :D
      Apr 3, 2016
    19. sircorgi
      What are hacks I use Wolfram but what are hacks wtf
      Apr 3, 2016
    20. Titanicguy
      Apr 3, 2016
    21. Linux
      Reborn are you banned? :O
      Apr 3, 2016
    22. Linux
      I saw a thread with a pic of a dude recording some1, and it had the Wolf logo. He said "Ignore that, that's my recording software!!!"
      Apr 3, 2016
      Titanicguy likes this.
    23. sircorgi
      Billy no, Unbreak was joking.. I think.

      I saw that thread too, it had a screenshot of him in the corner of the infection map Desert which is impossible to get to without hacks, and in the top left corner, it had the wolfram logo. He claimed it was his recording software but even if it was he was hacking because he was in the corner of the map somehow..
      He then started raging xD
      Apr 3, 2016
    24. Linux
      I really wanna see that thread again
      Apr 3, 2016
    25. Linux
      I was dying while reading the thread. Even though I hate hacking, I like using FastBow on villagers in singleplayer. :P
      Apr 3, 2016
    26. sircorgi
      Lmao In singleplayer, I used nuker to destroy the village xD
      Apr 3, 2016
    27. Linux
      I used the book hack on some server once. XD. I hate hacking now, though.
      Apr 3, 2016
    28. sircorgi
      I hate hacking now ever since it gave me a virus on my computer, at least the village will now be safe
      Apr 3, 2016
    29. Titanicguy
      Link to the thread?:(
      Apr 3, 2016
    30. sircorgi
      Trying to find it
      Apr 3, 2016
    31. | Unbreak1 |
      | Unbreak1 |
      Just to inform you guys, I was joking. I'm not hackusating anyone without necessary proof. :D

      Shooting villagers? Really? Show some compasion.
      Apr 5, 2016
    32. sircorgi
      Ikr, just grief their village and build a more beautiful one
      Apr 8, 2016
      | Unbreak1 | likes this.
    33. | Unbreak1 |
      | Unbreak1 |
      No, place a ton of tnt and then a pressureplate, then make them step on it, and they will think they destroyed it.
      Apr 11, 2016