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  • Comments on Profile Post by Calli

    1. Levis
      Apr 1, 2016
    2. ParanormalPizza
      There must have been that one group of guys who were dabbing or muzzing like lunatics
      Apr 1, 2016
    3. Levis
      Apr 1, 2016
    4. Calli
      They were legit whipping when Whip Nae Nae wasn't on and then they just got into a line a started dabbing. ;-;
      Apr 1, 2016
    5. Levis
      OMG LOL
      Apr 1, 2016
    6. Shireen
      Hope you had fun
      Apr 1, 2016
    7. Calli
      Not even a second. ;-;
      Apr 1, 2016
    8. Levis
      Apr 1, 2016
    9. Shireen
      Really?! awe
      Apr 1, 2016
    10. Levis
      Sad life
      Jks ily
      Apr 1, 2016
    11. Calli
      I'm so glad I'm going to high school.
      Apr 1, 2016
    12. Shireen
      Apr 1, 2016
    13. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      legit dance. I would either be the one drinking punch at a table solo or dabbing in a pathetic line... ;']
      Apr 1, 2016
    14. Shireen
      Wait what?!
      Apr 1, 2016
    15. Calli
      There was no food. ;-; Just dancing and screaming.
      Apr 1, 2016
    16. Shireen
      its all about the food :(
      Apr 1, 2016
    17. Levis
      I would be the one dealing drugs and gets high when Whip Nae Nae comes on.
      Apr 1, 2016
    18. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      I'd be selling candy E-Cigs that dispense skunk smell, then selling fake steroids to the pathetic football team.
      Apr 1, 2016
    19. ParanormalPizza
      The schools I went in don't even have proms... We just throw random parties like 6 times a year
      Apr 1, 2016
    20. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      Nice Para. Try 11th grade Prom w/ 15 lbs of 'SUGAR FREE' Dr. Pepper. My gosh, it's terrible.
      Apr 1, 2016
    21. ParanormalPizza
      I don't think I'd attend that
      Apr 1, 2016
      Stephen Curry likes this.
    22. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      Well guess who did.
      Apr 1, 2016
      Levis likes this.
    23. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      Don't worry, the sign said 'NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR DRINK', implying that you are forbidden to have food or drink outside of the party area. So, I brought it in a day before, and got it from my locker THEN.
      Apr 1, 2016
    24. sircorgi
      In Australia we don't actually have Prom, in Primary school we had that end of year dance which was pathetic in many ways (For my school at least) and in Highschool we have socials every 2 years I think
      Apr 2, 2016