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  • Comments on Profile Post by Subbiee

    1. Skrown
      What happened?
      Mar 31, 2016
    2. Subbiee
      Tried to login .. Wrong details...
      Tried to reset my password .. Didn't get no email

      So I took the email that was linked to my account and tried to sign it up again to see if it would say "This email is already linked to another account" but it signed up the account.. meaning that the account email was changed without going through my emails to change the email in the first place......
      Mar 31, 2016
    3. Skrown
      Is you're ign AtomNova?
      Mar 31, 2016
    4. Subbiee
      Yes it is
      Mar 31, 2016
    5. Skrown
      I think I might be able to help you, did you give anyone your account details?
      Mar 31, 2016
    6. Subbiee
      No I didn't I am very protective with my accounts
      Mar 31, 2016