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  • Comments on Profile Post by FadingDarkness_

    1. Scorv
      Pretty sure you'd have to count them 1 by 1.

      But you mean reports he has made, or reports he has handled as mod?
      Mar 30, 2016
    2. ImJustAndrew
      I number mine so I know how many I have, currently I've got 300+.
      Mar 30, 2016
    3. Scorv
      Way to stay organized. Props to you
      Mar 30, 2016
    4. FadingDarkness_
      Yeah I mean like how many players I have reported.
      Mar 30, 2016
    5. ImJustAndrew
      TheNiceHacker go to your profile page and click "Postings" scroll down to where it says "Posts created by TheNIceHacker" click that and then count them up.
      Mar 31, 2016