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  • Comments on Profile Post by Mark ;D

    1. NewsFeed
      You are using a hacked client in the photo O.o
      Mar 30, 2016
    2. Linux
      It's the 5zig mod...
      Mar 30, 2016
    3. NewsFeed
      Okay... I'm not going to challenge an 11 year old anonymous member... Please don't DDOS me :( I scared
      Mar 30, 2016
    4. Linux
      I honestly don't care about Anonymous. I just like the mask.
      Mar 30, 2016
    5. NewsFeed
      The mask is called The Guy Fawkes mask, it is a stylised depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot.
      Mar 30, 2016
    6. Linux
      Tiger, not that you're being mean to me now, but why are you always mean to me?
      Mar 30, 2016
    7. NewsFeed
      I don't know I just find people like you and Reborn trying to act way older than your age really annoying?? I don't know why it concerns me but it does... Sorry dude. Live and let live I suppose.
      Mar 30, 2016
    8. Linux
      :(. You know just because we are young, it doesn't mean we don't have feelings.
      Mar 30, 2016
    9. NewsFeed
      I'm sorry if I have hurt your feelings.
      Mar 30, 2016