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  • Comments on Profile Post by Fweft

    1. Fweft
      Sry apologizing spree
      Mar 27, 2016
    2. bexr
      Mar 28, 2016
    3. Fweft
      Plz pile
      Mar 29, 2016
    4. bexr
      Just curious are you 10, you don't tell someone to go "kill yourself" you realize if she did kill her self this could be held as a case. Meaning you could be charged for murder or death threats? A person just doesn't forgive you for saying to kill there self. That's deep brother I've been in the same problem you were in but NEVER will I wish to tell someone to kill them self.
      Mar 29, 2016
    5. Fweft
      Can ya look Max's eMom?
      Mar 29, 2016