Yup :>
Lovin' it
Same!! Call of Duty is also fun
It was fun
Which one what your favorite?
Black Ops 1 Classic
Ohh, zombies was the best there, but it's all about Black Ops 2 :D
I liked the story on Blops 1 more, and I liked the Cold War setting more than the future setting.
True!! I wanted Call of Duty World War II instead of BO3
Black Ops 3 is ok
I never liked the jet pack theme
BO3 soundtrack is actually pretty good IMO
XD true true
The songs were pretty good. What was really fun was COD: World at war
Ikr, I still love that game
The hacks are so real though xD
Xbox 360 <3
Sold mine ;p
I kept mine, but I do play one Xbox one now
btw I followed you ;p
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