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  • Comments on Profile Post by Calli

    1. Maxamul
      My mom saw me staring at my phone intensely, so she got suspicious and took it. She turned it on and saw the Mineverse forums. She then gives me a disappointed look and hands my phone back to me ._.
      Mar 21, 2016
      Titanicguy likes this.
    2. Titanicguy
      ''Not sending nudes?I didn't raise my kids to be skrubs in life Max.''
      Mar 21, 2016
    3. Chain
      Put a lock on your phone...
      Mar 21, 2016
    4. Maxamul
      She doesn't call me Max >:( she calls me Colby but with her Southern accent it comes out "Colbae"
      Mar 21, 2016
    5. Maxamul
      And I did put a lock on my phone, but she took my phone and changed it to a password she knew :(. I just don't ever set it down so she can go through it, though.
      Mar 21, 2016
    6. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      Lol, my dad changed the password to my phone once when he saw me watching 'Reacting to Porn'. Fail ;(
      Mar 21, 2016
    7. Ant_Pearl
      adult websites*
      Mar 21, 2016
    8. Prins545
      Thats horrible, checking history . . .
      Mar 27, 2016
    9. Calli
      Right? xD
      Mar 27, 2016
    10. Prins545
      Mar 27, 2016