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  • Comments on Profile Post by Krishy10

    1. Lightning
      Why do you play this dead server anyway? Go play something enjoyable.
      Mar 17, 2016
      Krishy10 likes this.
    2. Krishy10
      Mineverse is gone to and it is dead but I usually pop on sometimes I do play Kohi way more and it's a lot of fun
      Mar 17, 2016
      Lightning likes this.
    3. Lightning
      Same, i'll kms when kohi updates to 1.8 lol. I logged on and saw buildernicky on kit, pretty fun getting to see an OG ;P
      Mar 17, 2016
    4. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      Not surprised honestly.
      Mar 27, 2016
    5. Krishy10
      Apr 5, 2016
    6. Stephen Curry
      Apr 5, 2016