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  • Comments on Profile Post by Stephen Curry

    1. Saturns
      You get a trophy for 1k/100 positives. That's all, I think. Idk tbh :/
      Mar 16, 2016
    2. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      I get trophies for 250 LIKES not positives... *cries*
      Mar 16, 2016
    3. Saturns
      R.I.P ;-;. Im close to 1k positives. hehue
      Mar 16, 2016
    4. Stephen Curry
      Mar 16, 2016
    5. Saturns
      You'll get there soon, bud. Here's the first positive from 250 :3
      Mar 16, 2016
    6. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      woohoo! I get trophies for 420 positives :(
      Mar 16, 2016
    7. Andrewswj
      Congrats! :)
      Mar 16, 2016