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  • Comments on Profile Post by Stephen Curry

    1. Titanicguy
      Mar 16, 2016
      Syndicade likes this.
    2. Syndicade
      Any day for grandmaster trump
      Mar 16, 2016
      Titanicguy likes this.
    3. Titanicguy
      O god
      Mar 16, 2016
    4. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      Mar 16, 2016
    5. Syndicade
      Trump is love, trump is life
      Mar 16, 2016
    6. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      trump is hell, trump is death
      Mar 16, 2016
    7. Syndicade
      Mar 16, 2016
    8. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      hell yes
      Mar 16, 2016
    9. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      lemme catch it bro but first catch the ostrich, Cypriot is his name
      Mar 16, 2016