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  • Comments on Profile Post by Vaped

    1. Dyna_Mighty
      Staff disrespect is against the rules and we take it seriously around here. If you feel the ban was wrong, create a ban appeal.
      Mar 14, 2016
    2. Vaped
      I did and i didnt get unbanned
      I said to the mod that he is childish because whenever he comes on he asks to skype people... I dont think thats what a mod is meant to do
      Mar 14, 2016
    3. Javid
      StringSurfer I asked a mod if he liked dic* one time and he banned me for a week lmao. Don't insult people here heaven forbid you might hurt someones feelings over a block game. If someone disrespect a member no damns given but ONE TINY insult to staff instant ban. Corruption at it's finest.
      Mar 14, 2016
    4. Vaped
      Mar 14, 2016
      Javid likes this.
    5. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      Yes, calling the banning Mod childish is helpful. Surely, bud. ;/
      Mar 14, 2016
    6. Vaped
      So funny bro...IF ur gonna come on my status and insult me for doing something right go ahead
      I was just trying to prove my point
      Mar 14, 2016
    7. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      Insulting? Nah, just making sure you don't call the mod that banned you childish for your actions.
      Mar 14, 2016
    8. Vaped
      I called him childish and then he banned me Smart one
      Mar 14, 2016
    9. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      Smooth move, Xylax.
      Mar 14, 2016
    10. Vaped
      Mar 14, 2016