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  • Comments on Profile Post by sircorgi

    1. Pocidel
      Why did you spread fake rumors that i was hacking after my unban? And when did i ever trash talk to staff after my resignation?
      Mar 19, 2016
    2. sircorgi
      Mar 19, 2016
      Pocidel likes this.
    3. Pocidel
      Saying mv is toxic has nothing to do with if im accepting my ban or not. The reason i said it was because it's the players fault that the moderators isn't that active in-game. Some people don't show respect, which is one of the reasons i quit.

      Do you think its disrespectful against staff that i think MV is toxic? and thats the reason moderators isn't that active in game.
      Mar 19, 2016
    4. sircorgi
      No no, I meant when you weren't accepting your ban by your first post, when you said that I was spreading fake rumours that you were hacking, which gave me the assumption that either the video was laggy or you weren't accepting your ban.
      Mar 19, 2016
    5. sircorgi
      I understand your resignation, believe me.During my very short time as a moderator, people disrespected me in-game and on forums because of my age, and before I could resign, I got demoted. Take this from a guy who understands- Not everyone will appreciate your hard work towards the server, and some people will try to bring you down. But keep fighting, and ignore those haters, for they are only trying to stop you.
      Mar 19, 2016
    6. Pocidel
      Yeah, i will ignore them. But former staff shouldn't come to my titan rank issue and hate me because i was 'hacking', right after i got unbanned.

      The staff only accept ban appeals that were incorrect.
      Mar 19, 2016
    7. sircorgi
      I never hated you, and probably never will, so why are you making assumptions that I am?

      And no, the staff also accept ban appeals that were correct. The banned player would have to be really sorry in the mods eyes though.
      Mar 19, 2016