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  • Comments on Profile Post by Chokko1

    1. Akn
      Lol Kriss is a new moderator who probably has no idea what he's doing; Nightfire has been around quite a bit longer and probably knows way better than kriss
      Mar 10, 2016
    2. Chokko1
      But still dude. He told me that he was going to check if it was bannable or no and he said no. So im expecting that the moderator is right when i ask him important things.
      Mar 10, 2016
    3. elrak
      Censor that's unfair to say; Kriss is a very capable person, he's doing a good job from my perspective.

      DDoS is a very sensitive subject, talking about it in general is usually against the rules.
      Mar 10, 2016
    4. Chokko1
      But i can't see why that this is my fault that i got banned for making fun of ddos. I asked him clearly if it was bannable and he said no.
      Mar 10, 2016
    5. elrak
      What'd you say exactly?
      Mar 10, 2016
    6. Chokko1
      To Kriss or?
      Mar 10, 2016
    7. elrak
      The joke about DDoS.
      Mar 10, 2016
    8. Chokko1
      First my friend told me that he got ddosed. And then i said that it was me that ddosed him. But i told him that it was a joke afterwards.
      Mar 10, 2016
    9. elrak
      Doesn't really matter, that's like saying 'kys jks'. Do you not expect to get banned for that? I understand that it was a joke but it's not really something to joke about.
      Mar 10, 2016
    10. Chokko1
      But it doesn't show up anywhere in the rules?
      Mar 10, 2016
    11. Chokko1
      And also how could it be my fault if i asked Kriss if it was illegal to make fun of it?
      Mar 10, 2016
    12. elrak
      From my knowledge DDoS Threats are bannable and it does not matter if you're joking or not.

      What'd Kriss say?
      Mar 10, 2016
    13. Chokko1
      He said that it wasnt bannable to make fun of it. And i asked him twice to make sure!
      Mar 10, 2016
    14. Chokko1
      And it's not a threat -_-
      Mar 10, 2016
    15. elrak
      I know it wasn't a thread but it looks like a threat to other players.

      Kriss is new, I'm not entirely sure if he knows about all of this stuff etc, but you should probably discuss it with a more experienced moderator.
      Mar 10, 2016
    16. Nightfire

      DDos is something to not make a joke about. Many people take this very seriously.
      Mar 10, 2016
      Syndicade likes this.
    17. Chokko1
      But it doesn't say anything in the rules?
      Mar 10, 2016
    18. Chokko1
      Then i am really sorry if i got too far with the joke.
      Mar 10, 2016
    19. elrak
      You still need to wait out the ban.
      Mar 10, 2016
    20. Chokko1
      But the ban takes so long -_-
      Mar 10, 2016
    21. elrak
      Just play some other game-mode or game, that's what I did when I was banned. :P
      Mar 10, 2016
    22. Chokko1
      Nvm im unbanned :D!!!!!
      Mar 10, 2016
    23. elrak
      Mar 10, 2016
    24. Nightfire
      It was only a tempban.
      Mar 10, 2016