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  • Comments on Profile Post by NewsFeed

    1. babyboynitro
      Mar 7, 2016
    2. NewsFeed
      meant to say change
      Mar 7, 2016
    3. Kyaaaal
      Pervert? You are too young to be calling me that. I recommend learning the meaning of that word before using it. Thank you. My profile picture in no way is offensive, nor rule breaking so I will keep it until I feel like changing it or the person who it belongs to tells me otherwise.
      Mar 7, 2016
    4. babyboynitro
      Mar 7, 2016
    5. Syndicade
      Rekt [x]
      Not rekt [ ]
      Mar 7, 2016
    6. Kyaaaal
      I honestly find it quite pathetic that this person called me out as a pervert. They could have just left it as "Can you please change your profile picture, it's confusing me between you and another user on the forums". Humanity at its finest.
      Mar 7, 2016
    7. Syndicade
      @TigerZ_ Your profile picture portrays your logic quite fine.
      Mar 7, 2016