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  • Comments on Profile Post by magicturtle16

    1. YRVintage
      damn, you have a mission
      Feb 29, 2016
      Herf likes this.
    2. DestructiveCow_
      i fully agree they banned me on kitpvp for no reason.
      Feb 29, 2016
    3. DestructiveCow_
      even tho magic is my fav mc friend, if i disagreed i would say i do but i really do agree there taking advantage of being a mod and the power of it.
      Feb 29, 2016
    4. DestructiveCow_
      sorry fried you didint help me at all and i died so many times so i hope you kill them i quit
      Mar 7, 2016
    5. magicturtle16
      Mar 7, 2016