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  • Comments on Profile Post by laughyandhyper

    1. ferras
      What is going on bud?
      Feb 29, 2016
    2. laughyandhyper
      Island help
      Feb 29, 2016
    3. ferras
      Skyblock or Hellblock?
      Feb 29, 2016
    4. laughyandhyper
      Feb 29, 2016
    5. laughyandhyper
      i have joined a new island and the person made me leader then left the server completely. The shop is still there with all of the signs on the chests and I need to get them removed. =P
      Feb 29, 2016
    6. baile y
      baile y
      Sorry, but can't help you with that. Have any proof he left the island to you? Because mods/ppl in charge aren't able to take other people's stuff for you. For all we know, u could just want their stuff because they are your enemies.
      Feb 29, 2016
    7. laughyandhyper
      I know. I am trying to find proof I am searching lot s of servers to find him so that he can actually say it but for now I have no proof.
      JakePlayerJP gave it to mejake123456 who gave to me
      Feb 29, 2016
    8. ferras
      Alright. Like Lea said, we need proof ( screenshots would be fine ), and email [email protected]
      Feb 29, 2016
    9. laughyandhyper
      I am trying my hardest. I will also email them and see what they say. :)
      Feb 29, 2016
    10. ferras

      Good Luck.
      Feb 29, 2016
    11. baile y
      baile y
      Good Luck
      Feb 29, 2016
    12. Akn
      It's technically her island meaning her stuff; just a couple signs blocking her way.
      Mar 1, 2016